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Wilton SHR™ Power Pack, 10,000 psi with 6 ft. Hose

Wilton SHR™ Power Pack, 10,000 psi with 6 ft. Hose

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The Power Pack features a dependable SPX 10,000 psi power unit and 6’ hose with quick couplings to power the Wilton SHR™. The hydraulic power unit has a 1 hp, single phase, permanent magnet motor to power a single acting cylinder. The unit is equipped with a roll cage to protect the unit and a rocker-switch cabled remote for easy operation.

  • Dependable SPX 10,000 psi power unit and 6’ hose with quick couplings
  • Equipped with a roll cage to protect the unit and a rocker-switch cabled remote for easy operation
  • Hydraulic power unit has a 1 hp, single phase, permanent magnet motor to power a single acting cylinder


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