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Easy-Kleen Commercial 3600 PSI @ 3.6 GPM 7.5 HP 220V Single Phase Cold Water Electric Pressure Washer (Action Series)

Easy-Kleen Commercial 3600 PSI @ 3.6 GPM 7.5 HP 220V Single Phase Cold Water Electric Pressure Washer (Action Series)

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Our electric driven cold water units are used for multiple applications for farm, car and truck washing, meat shops and every day uses.

Standard Features

PUMP Commercial Duty triplex plunger pump with oil bath crankcase, stainless valves and all brass manifolds, direct drive 1750 RPM on all models.

MOTOR Heavy duty 1750 RPM TEFC thermo over protected with 1.15 service factor

OTHER Adjustable pressure regulator , Downstream chemical injector, Thermo pump protection,36 single lance c/w rated trigger gun all quick coupled and all units have 50 3/8 high pressure hose, five nozzles

CONTROL PANEL Heavy duty cord and NEMA water tight on/off switch assembly with optional trigger control auto stop/start

OPTIONS Consider our optional rotary nozzles, wet sand blasting nozzles, drain cleaning kit and a hose reel to maximize your use out of your pressure washer

Note: Product doesn't come with a battery.


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2000-3500220V3-6-gpm3600-psi7.5HPbf2023Coldeasy-kleenElectricLeadTime3weekslowmarginnot canadapmax ad electric pressure washerspmax electric pressure washerpressurewasherROAS 6.6Single Phasespo-defaultspo-disabled