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CAT 66DX40GG1 Gas Direct Drive Triplex Plunger Replacement Pressure Washer Pump (no unloader in manifold)
CAT 66DX40GG1 Gas Direct Drive Triplex Plunger Replacement Pressure Washer Pump (no unloader in manifold)

CAT 66DX40GG1 Gas Direct Drive Triplex Plunger Replacement Pressure Washer Pump (no unloader in manifold)

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This is a direct-drive triplex [three plunger rods] plunger pump, constructed of a brass manifold, 304SS valve assemblies, solid ceramic plungers and standard NBR [Buna-N] seals and o-rings. This high performance, economy pump is a flange-mount, hollow-shafted pump designed to bolt directly to a gas engine drive, providing an easy, compact installation. This pump comes standard with a Regulating Unloader and fixed Chemical Injector that mounts onto the unloader.

Max Flow 4 gpm / 15.1 lpm
Max Pressure 4000
Inlet Port Size 1/2" NPT(F)
Discharge Port Size 3/8" NPT(M)
RPM 3400
Drive Type(s) Direct
Material Brass


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11.4mm140 F.34004-0-gpm4000 PSI500-10008 fl ozbarensbf2023catchallshipexportlistpnogooglepmax ad replacement pumpspressurewasherROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledTriplex Plunger