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5 gal (18.9 L) Suction Hose Kit and Strainer, for Merkur and Merkur Bellows Ambient or Heated Packages

5 gal (18.9 L) Suction Hose Kit and Strainer, for Merkur and Merkur Bellows Ambient or Heated Packages

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UPC Product: 00633955467484
Family Code: FAMCNV
Unit of Measure: EA
Height: 6 IN   |  15.24 CM
Length: 20.4 IN   |  51.816 CM
Width: 21.6 IN   |  54.864 CM
Volume: 1.53 FT3   |  .043 M3
Chargeable Weight: 15.927 LBS  | 7.221 KG


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