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Advance 107402351 SpectrumTM 12H, Scrubber

Advance 107402351 SpectrumTM 12H, Scrubber

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The Advance 107402351 Spectrum™ 12H is a high-performance metal halide lamp, commonly used for industrial and commercial lighting applications. Here’s a brief overview of its key features and specifications:

  • Type: Metal halide lamp
  • Model: Spectrum™ 12H
  • Wattage: Typically 400 watts
  • Color Temperature: Usually around 4000K to 4200K, providing a cool, white light
  • Luminous Flux: High luminous output, designed to deliver bright and efficient illumination
  • Lamp Life: Approximately 12,000 hours, which is relatively long-lasting for metal halide lamps
  • Application: Often used in high-bay lighting, outdoor lighting, and other environments requiring powerful, bright light

These lamps are designed to provide excellent color rendering and efficiency, making them suitable for applications where high-quality light and energy efficiency are crucial. If you have a specific application in mind or need details about compatibility with fixtures, checking the manufacturer’s specifications or consulting with a lighting professional would be a good idea.


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500-1000advanceAirflow_93 CFMall other productsaodd discountBrand_AdvanceBrush Speed(RPM)_2800 RPMCapacity(qt)_4.2 qtCleaning Path_11.5 InchesDimensions(L x W x H)_13 x 12 x 44 Inchesmap pricemap priced itemNILFISKnot canadaPower Cable(ft)_33 ftscrubberShip6to9daysSound_69 dBAspo-cs-disabledspo-defaultspo-disabledspo-notify-me-disabledSuction_92 Inches