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All-Aluminum Placer Display (10/Pack)

All-Aluminum Placer Display (10/Pack)

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This free-standing display contains 10 MARSHALLTOWN All-Aluminum Placers and can be situated anywhere on your store floor, saving shelving space. The included concrete Placers can be used to place wet concrete or to rake other loose materials. Plus, they feature a lightweight aluminum construction. The tool head comes braced to a durable powder-coated handle that provides additional strength and prevents oxidization from staining your hands while you work. This product is Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • Free-standing display helps save shelving space
  • Displays 10 MARSHALLTOWN All-Aluminum Placers
  • Placers have lightweight aluminum construction
  • Durable powder-coated handle keeps hands clean from oxidization
  • Tool head braced for additional strength
  • Display measures 20” x 24” x 38” (W x D x H)
  • Made in the USA with Global Materials


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