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Aluminum Hazardous Material Signals Kit
Aluminum Hazardous Material Signals Kit

Aluminum Hazardous Material Signals Kit

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Highly-visible kits identify chemical and material hazards from up to 300 feet away.

  • Bright colors and easy-to-read legends help ensure safety and facility compliance
  • Readable from up to 300' to identify hazardous chemical containers and storage areas
  • Keep your facility looking professional while providing clear safety information
Style Signals Kit
Dimensions 15" L x 15" H
Brand Accuform
Category Hazardous Materials
Legend Hazardous Material Signals
Sold as 1 each
Color Black/Blue/Red/Yellow on White
Weight 1 lb.
Composition Aluminum

5 - 15" L x 15" H NFPA Diamond Panel

5 - Hazardous Materials Classification Card

5 - Number Set (0-4) 3 of each

5 - No Water Symbol

5 - Oxidizer Symbol

5 - Simple Asphyxiate Symbol

5 - Corrosive Symbol

5 - Alkaline Symbol

5 - Acid Symbol

5 - Radiation Symbol

UNSPSC 55121704


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