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BE Commercial - 180 GPM -  Honda GX200 -  Heavy Duty Cast Iron - 2" Trash Pump

BE Commercial - 180 GPM - Honda GX200 - Heavy Duty Cast Iron - 2" Trash Pump

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2" Trash Pump


This pump can handle up to 13/16" solids and features 88ft total lift, 26ft of suction lift, recoil start, and low oil shutdown.


  • 2" High-Pressure Water Pump
    Designed for moving water over extended distances or heights
    Great for firefighting applications
  • Commercial Grade Honda GX200 4-Cycle Engine
    Reliable, technologically advanced & easy to start
  • Protected By Honda Oil Alert® Warning System
    Alerts you or shuts engine down if oil reaches an unsafe level
  • Aluminum Pump Housing & Impeller
    Extends the life of the pump
  • Self-Priming Design
    Requires initial priming to operate
  • Includes:
    Strainer & Clamps
  • Excellent Consumer Warranty
    1-Year Pump and 3-Year Honda GX Engine



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0.82 gal18019626feet500-100088'all other productsbe-power-equipmentbf2023catchallshipCommercial SeriesHeavy Duty Cast IronHonda EngineHONDA GX200not canadaROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabled