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Clemco 24932 Apollo 600 HP Less Respirator Hose w/ Clem-Cool Air Conditioner (CCAC)
Clemco 24932 Apollo 600 HP Less Respirator Hose w/ Clem-Cool Air Conditioner (CCAC)
Clemco 24932 Apollo 600 HP Less Respirator Hose w/ Clem-Cool Air Conditioner (CCAC)
Clemco 24932 Apollo 600 HP Less Respirator Hose w/ Clem-Cool Air Conditioner (CCAC)
Clemco 24932 Apollo 600 HP Less Respirator Hose w/ Clem-Cool Air Conditioner (CCAC)
Clemco 24932 Apollo 600 HP Less Respirator Hose w/ Clem-Cool Air Conditioner (CCAC)

Clemco 24932 Apollo 600 HP Less Respirator Hose w/ Clem-Cool Air Conditioner (CCAC)

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Clemco 24932 high pressure (HP) Apollo 600 is a type CE, continuous-flow, supplied-air respirator helmet for use with a compressed air source. Included is a Clem-Cool Air Conditioner (CCAC) which cools incoming air (no maintenance device with non-replaceable internal components).

The single-shell, full-helmet design protects against rebounding abrasive as well as job-site impact hazards. The adjustable web suspension fits head sizes 6.5 to 8and an adjustable chin strap holds the helmet firmly in position during operation. A heavy-duty grey cape further protects the neck, shoulders, and chest from abrasive.

The Apollo 600 features a wide, full-view window which allows for an unhindered 180-degree view of the work surface. This helmet features a three-lens system to provide a clear view and protect the operator from dust and abrasive. The lens system includes a replaceable fixed inner lens, an intermediate lens to protect the inner lens, and up to 3 perforated outer lenses.


  • Included respirator hose
  • Included air filter
  • Easy to maintain
  • Long service life
  • Built-in visor prevents media ingress between lenses
  • Easy-to-use cape attachment system
  • Washable inner collar with zipper
  • Replaceable inlet fitting
  • Replaceable window latch
  • Operator can wear supplementary hearing and primary eye protection
  • This helmet is NIOSH approved and meets OSHA standards for respiratory protection and noise limitations. The Apollo 600 also meets the ANSI requirement for industrial head protection as a Type I, Class G protective helmet.

Note: A CO monitor is recommended but is not included with this helmet.


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