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Titan 289013/0289013 M-4 Mastic Airless Spray Gun 3600 PSI – 4 Finger

Titan 289013/0289013 M-4 Mastic Airless Spray Gun 3600 PSI – 4 Finger

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Titan M-4 Mastic Airless Spray Gun 3600 PSI – 4 Finger. Order tip separately. Straight line fluid passage allows max flow rate, Angled handle for increased comfort, Adjustable needle packing prolongs the life of critical wear parts, Swivel allows freedom of movement without hose kinking, Lightweight metal construction, Inlet fitting: 3/8 FNPT.


    • Straight line fluid passage allows max flow rate
    • Angled handle for increased comfort
    • Adjustable needle packing prolongs the life of critical wear parts
    • Swivel allows freedom of movement without hose kinking
    • Lightweight metal construction
    • Inlet fitting: 3/8 FNPT


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