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24 VDC Input/24 VDC Output, Harrier+ MPI controller for International communication

24 VDC Input/24 VDC Output, Harrier+ MPI controller for International communication

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Collect well site data of multiple injection points using one controller, remotely control chemical injection usage for each individual injection point, and analyze the data necessary to manage chemical usage. The Harrier_ MPI offers the same Harrier+ benefits such as remote communication, tank level monitoring, temperature-controlled dosing, analog In/Out capability, smart alarms and flow verification for leak detections.

Multi-point chemical injection for oil and gas wells and pipelines

  • Reduced footprint and cost with up to eight injection points using one pump and one controller
  • Uninterrupted operation and smart alarms
  • Harrier+ features, automation and remote monitoring
UPC Product: 00755652988151
Family Code: FAMMPI
Unit of Measure: EA
Height: 13.9 IN   |  35.306 CM
Length: 21.5 IN   |  54.61 CM
Width: 25.1 IN   |  63.754 CM
Volume: 4.337 FT3   |  .123 M3
Chargeable Weight: 45.188 LBS  | 20.487 KG

Technical Specifications

Series + MPI
Type Controller
Model Harrier


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