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Active Surge Suppressor

Active Surge Suppressor

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Manufacturers concerned about paint line pulsation can set and forget the active surge suppressor. It automatically adjusts itself for peak performance in changing conditions. Once you set it up, you can forget about manual adjustments.

  • Works off shop air, eliminating need for and extra cost of high pressure charge air
  • Flushes cleanly and thoroughly in between colors
  • Saves space with pump-mount configuration
  • Backup seal keeps paint from leaking out, in case of diaphragm rupture
UPC Product: 00755652787709
Family Code: FAMCNV
Unit of Measure: EA
Height: 40.64 CM   |  16 IN
Length: 13.75 IN   |  34.925 CM
Width: 12.5 IN   |  31.75 CM
Volume: 1.591 FT3   |  .045 M3
Chargeable Weight: 41.4 LBS  | 18.78 KG

Technical Specifications

Inlet Size (cm) 3.81
Inlet Size (in) 1-1/2
Inlet Size (mm) 38.1
Maximum Flow Rate (GPM) "10 (single pump), 20 (E-flo DC 2X)"
Maximum Flow Rate (L/min) 76
Maximum Fluid Pressure (bar) 21
Maximum Fluid Pressure (kPa) 2100
Maximum Fluid Pressure (psi) 300
Outlet Size (cm) 3.81
Outlet Size (in) 1-1/2
Outlet Size (mm) 38.1
Wetted Material Stainless Steel, PTFE
Type Surge Tank
Maximum Fluid Pressure (MPa) 2.1


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