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Clemco 23890 0.5 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1/2” piping 10” diameter Manual Sand Valve Sandblast Pots - Apollo HP SaFety Gear
0.5 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages
Sand Valve Sandblast Pots

Clemco 23890 Model 1028 LP Complete Package

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Clemco Classic Blast Machine Model 1028 LP Complete Package is a Low Pressure Breathing Air System*, Portable, 0.5 cuft - 50lbs. with 1/2 inch Piping.
The 0.5 cu.ft classic blast machine holds ½ cubic foot (approximately 50 lbs.) of abrasive blast media. This small, one-man portable blast machine has ½” piping and comes with a Manual Sand Valve (MSV) and remote control system. This high-performance and versatile blast machine with complete low-pressure package is an economic way to remove contamination, corrosion, mill scale, and coatings from most surfaces. Using a No. 3 (3.16-inch) blast nozzle will provide approximately 15 minutes of productive blasting at 80 psi.

Manual Sand Valve

The MSV can be used to meter expendable, mineral slag abrasives and is not recommended for use with fine-mesh or glass.

Remote Controls

Included with this blast pot is the TLR-50 remote control system. This pressure-release style control system provides the operator start/stop control at the nozzle and allows the blast machine to depressurize for refilling when the control handle is released.

Package Details

*The included low pressure (LP) package provides everything necessary to begin blasting with an ambient air pump (to be used with the included LP respirator).

This cost-effective package includes

  • TLR-50 remote controls (includes 10565 RLX handle)
  • MSV ½” abrasive metering valve
  • 25ft x ½” ID blast hose, coupled
  • CHE-1/2 aluminum nozzle holder (included in 01268)
  • CQA-1/2 aluminum quick coupling (included in 01268)
  • Blast hose safety cable
  • ½” air filter w/ manual drain
  • CT-4 blast nozzle, blast machine screen (optional steel cover)
  • Nylon ties (8 included)
  • Apollo 20 LP DLX helmet w/ constant flow connector
  • 25ft respirator hose
  • 1 pair leather gloves
  • Apollo 20 outer lens (25 pk)
  • Quick coupling gaskets (10 pk)
  • Nozzle washers (10 pk)
  • 3 outer valve diaphragms


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    0.5 Cubic Foot5000-7000All Blast Mediabf2023catchallshipclemcoHigh spend poor roasManual Sand ValveMSVpmax ad sandblasterPressure Holdprisyncprisync711repriceROAS 4sandblasterSandblastingspo-defaultspo-disabledWith Safety Gear