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Schulz of America Premium Series P10120HW40X-3 175 PSi 208-230 V Heavy Duty Horizontal Air Compressor

Schulz of America Premium Series P10120HW40X-3 175 PSi 208-230 V Heavy Duty Horizontal Air Compressor

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NOTE: Add $275 for 460 volt 3 phase conversion charges.

Premium Line compressors offer quality compressed air with convenience and safety. Due to the use of a mounted belt guard after cooler, the tank’s outlet temperature is lower, reducing costs relative to the installation of air dryers. The presence of oil level sensors and an automatic tank moisture drain ensure high quality and reliable downstream system performance. The ASME certified tank and UL certified starter components also ensures also the safety of the air compressor. Choose your model ready for use.

Model P10120HW40X-3
HP/PH 10/3
Pump MSW 40 MAX
Electric Motor 2P
FAD CFM* 26.5
Tank Style Horizontal 
Tank gal 120
Stage Two Stage
Pump Warranty 2 yrs


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