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Titan PowrTwin 6900 DI Plus Gas Airless Sprayer
Titan PowrTwin 6900 DI Plus Gas Airless Sprayer

Titan PowrTwin 6900 DI Plus Gas Airless Sprayer

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Large scale project need large scale, direct immersion sprayers – the kind of sprayers only Titan can offer. Slow-stroking hydraulic technology coupled with state-of-the-art engineering and maximum engine power means consistent, dependable performance and a high profit margin. This is a serious sprayer for serious contractors.


  • Durable, chrome-plated cart – with telescoping handle and extra lift handles
  • HydraDrive and hydraulic fill and dip stick – easy access for less mess
  • Accutrol pressure control – accurate from 4000 psi to 3600 psi. No electronics, freeze hazard or maintenance
  • E-Z swing frame allows for less spillage during paint changes and lowers height of unit for easier transportation
  • High efficiency cooling fan keeps the hydraulics cooler for longer life
  • Large pneumatic tires for ease of transport


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