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BD 50/55 W CLASSIC BP w/ AGM Battery Walk-Behind Scrubber

BD 50/55 W CLASSIC BP w/ AGM Battery Walk-Behind Scrubber

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9.998-002.0 BD 50/55 W Bp Classic, 24V/100Ah AGM batteries, shelf charger

Our battery-powered walk-behind scrubber BD 50/55 W Classic Bp impresses with robust and long-lasting components such as the disc brush head and the squeegee (33.5-inch) made from high-quality aluminum 59 lb. brush contact pressure, 14.5-gallon tanks and 20-inch working width ensure top-class results on up to 21,500 ft² per hour maintenance cleaning, e.g., in public buildings, retail, the health sector or in industry. The very compact design, the comfortable four-wheel system, and the support from the integrated traction drive enable an excellent overview of the areas to be cleaned, very good maneuverability, and long, fatigue-free applications. This is why our building service contractors appreciate the user-friendly and versatile BD 50/55 W Classic Bp in daily cleaning applications.

Scope of Supply

  • Motor, Battery
  • Type of suction lips, Linatex®


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14.5 gal.180 rpm20-in.65 dB(A)7000-10000AGMaodd discountBatterybf2023BOnoETAcanadafloorscrubberkarchermap pricemap priced itemnot canadaPadpmax ad vacuumpmax ads scrubberROAS 4Shelfspo-defaultspo-disabledspo-notify-me-disabled