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Clemco Pipe-Pro XL™ (16" to 60" pipe ID) Pneumatic Motor Driven - less Nozzles

Clemco Pipe-Pro XL™ (16" to 60" pipe ID) Pneumatic Motor Driven - less Nozzles

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The Pipe Pro XL™ is a pneumatically-operated tool for cleaning pipe interior surfaces. It attaches to the blast hose in place of a standard nozzle.The Pipe Pro XL™ features an air driven motor, which controls the rotation of the blast head, where two identical nozzles are mounted. The 360° rotation of the blast head provides complete cleaning without rotating the pipe. Variable -speed head rotation means precise RPM adjustment so the degree of cleaning that the pipe surface requires can easily be achieved. The adjustable carriage with urethane wheels centers the tool within the pipe allowing smooth movement through the pipe.

  • All use a standard pressure blast machine
  • No need to rotate pipe or tubing
  • Fast, economical, efficient pipe cleaning


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