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AFR-1 Scrim Backed Intake Air Paint Booth Filter (2 cases minimum to order)

AFR-1 Scrim Backed Intake Air Paint Booth Filter (2 cases minimum to order)

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For high end applications in Cross Draft and certain downdraft paint booths that require a flat panel configuration. The AFR-1 is higher efficiency than the Series 55 or Series 65 Intake Air Filter offering 95% efficiency on 10 Microns and greater.


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100% Polyester12” x 24”16” x 20"16” x 25"20" x 20"200-50020” x 24”20” x 25"20” x 46”20” x 48”20” x 50”24” x 24”500-1000air-flow-technologyall other productsbf2023catchallshipIntakelowmarginnot canadaPad DesignPanel Designprisyncprisynctoadd9624repriceROAS 3ROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200