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Air Flow Series CC50 Pre Filter Cube 32x46x15 - 4Pockets (4/cs)

Air Flow Series CC50 Pre Filter Cube 32x46x15 - 4Pockets (4/cs)

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Series CC50 - 4 pockets

The Series CC50 extended surface cube filter is FG-F’s economical solution for paint overspray collection applications. Made from 100% polyester, the dual density, single ply media is heat-sealed to a heavy gauge metal support frame and forms a self seal when installed. 

  • Low initial resistance with high paint holding capacity.
  • 98.9% Efficient.
  • Easy to handle self-supporting design.

Polyester cube filters are ideal for use in multi-stage spray booths. Constructed with high performance environmentally safe, polyester media. Cube filters are tear resistant and won’t rupture before or after installation. The cube configuration in each filter results in even airflow, full inflation and minimal resistance. Deep pockets allow for optimal paint holding capacity and protracted service life. Typical applications include industrial and automotive spray booths, powder coating operations, HVAC, and a variety of additional industrial uses. 


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