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Series 55 Intake Air Paint Booth Filters

Series 55 Intake Air Paint Booth Filters

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Series 55 Intake Air Paint Booth Filters are an economical solution that is primarily designed for Cross Draft Style Paint Booths.  They are 75% efficient on 10 microns.  2 Layers of 100% polyester with a downstream tackifier to act as a final stop for dust to prevent


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100% Polyester16” x 20”16” x 25”20" x 24”20" x 25”20" x 46”20" x 48”200-500air-flow-technologyall other productsbf2023catchallshipIntakenot canadaPad DesignPanel Designprisynctoadd9624repriceROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200