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Wilton — 303, Hydraulic No. 303 Pow-R-Arm

Wilton — 303, Hydraulic No. 303 Pow-R-Arm

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The 303 POW-R-ARM is a positioner with exceptionally fast on-off action with hydraulic locking action ideal for high production assembly line applications.

  • Available in a wide range of models for every job size, Pow-R-Arms are perfect for any application-at a permanent workstation, assembly line or workbench
  • Pow-R-Arms increase productivity by bringing the work to the worker-which helps reduce fatigue, back injury and other health problems
  • Rated for heavy-duty assembly, welding, maintenance and tool room work. Hydraulic system is hand operated, self-contained and sealed with replaceable cups two mounting holes at top(5/16-18) holes 1" apart
  • Reposition the work piece quickly and accurately with the flexibility of Pow-R-Arms wrist action, eliminating time-consuming clamping and unclamping
  • Same size and strength as Model 301 with hydraulic locking action
  • Wilton Pow-R-Arms: The full swiveling, 360° dead-lock work positioners put the workpiece where you want it and holds it tight for hands-free production
Stock Number 16300
Base Diameter (In.) 5-7/8
Diameter Bolt Circle (In.) 5
Extended Height (In.) 10-1/2
Prop 65 Cancer
Workholding Capacity 150


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