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3C-061 Replacement Coalescing Filter, 0.01 micron, 60 scfm

3C-061 Replacement Coalescing Filter, 0.01 micron, 60 scfm

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This grade 1 element is our finest level of filtration.


We recommend the 3C-061 as the final filter in combination units used for food grade
installations. These filters comply with CFR 21 for applications where compressed air comes in contact with food products, and are compliant with ISO 8573 grade 1 for filtration.


Maintenance/Replacement is required on a regular basis in order to maintain this superior level of filtration. Dependent upon usage-- consult one of our technicians.


When combined with the 4P elements as a dual filter assembly, they can filter oil aerosols
up to 0.003 parts per million (with the activated carbon filter in the first stage). Removal of water, dirt, & pipe scale is rated at 0.01 microns with 99.9998% efficiency.


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