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Viper DR2000DC 20", 2000 rpm, dust-control burnisher, 1.5 hp, flexible pad driver, folding handle for storage, CSA approved
Viper DR2000DC 20", 2000 rpm, dust-control burnisher, 1.5 hp, flexible pad driver, folding handle for storage, CSA approved

Viper DR2000DC 20", 2000 rpm, dust-control burnisher, 1.5 hp, flexible pad driver, folding handle for storage, CSA approved

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The Viper 20" dust-control burnisher is a high-performance floor maintenance machine designed to deliver a high-gloss finish while minimizing dust and debris. Here’s a detailed description of its features:

  • Size & Speed: This burnisher has a 20-inch cleaning path, which allows it to efficiently cover large floor areas. It operates at a high speed of 2000 RPM (revolutions per minute), making it suitable for achieving a high-gloss shine and maintaining polished floors.

  • Power: Equipped with a 1.5 horsepower motor, the burnisher provides strong and reliable performance. The powerful motor ensures that the high-speed operation is effective for burnishing and enhancing floor finishes.

  • Dust Control: The burnisher is designed with dust-control features, which help to minimize dust and debris during operation. This helps to maintain a cleaner working environment and reduces the need for post-burnishing cleanup.

  • Pad Driver: It includes a flexible pad driver, which is compatible with various types of burnishing pads. The flexibility of the pad driver ensures easy attachment and use of different pads, allowing for effective polishing and maintenance of different floor finishes.

  • Handle: The burnisher features a folding handle, which makes it more convenient for storage and transport. The handle can be folded down, reducing the overall footprint of the machine and making it easier to store in tight spaces.

  • Safety & Compliance: The burnisher is CSA (Canadian Standards Association) approved, meaning it meets specific safety and performance standards. This certification ensures that the equipment has undergone testing for safety and reliability, making it appropriate for use in commercial settings.

In summary, the Viper 20" dust-control burnisher combines high-speed operation with dust-control technology to provide an effective solution for achieving a high-gloss finish on hard floors. Its 1.5 HP motor, flexible pad driver, and folding handle for easy storage enhance its functionality and convenience. The CSA approval ensures that the burnisher meets high safety and performance standards, making it a reliable choice for professional floor maintenance.


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