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Apollo Power-5 VS 5-Stage 120V HVLP Paint Sprayer w/ 32' Air Flex Hose & A7700GT-600 Spray Gun - Green

Apollo Power-5 VS 5-Stage 120V HVLP Paint Sprayer w/ 32' Air Flex Hose & A7700GT-600 Spray Gun - Green

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The POWER-5 VS™ includes enhanced 5-Stage Turbine power, Variable-Speed and exclusive features that put you in control of this advanced TrueHVLP™ system for industries and applications demanding precision HVLP technology for the perfect finish. With the INCLUDED $550 Genuine Accessory PLUS Package, the POWER-5 VS™ can be used for the widest range of coatings, solvent or water base, clear or pigmented as well as specialized materials: faux paints, gelcoat, latex (emulsion) and multi-spec.


  • Variable Speed Pressure Control - Precise control of the turbine pressure output, from 0.1– 10.0 PSI, for professional results with all finishes.
  • Unparalleled Power & Efficiency Delivers 10.0 PSI sealed pressure for optimum atomization. Documented 80+% transfer efficiency and 38% savings on coatings when compared with compressed air systems.
  • QuadraClean™ Dual automotive filters provide advanced air filtration to keep the system running cooler and prolong motor life.
  • 32' (9.75 meter) Apollo-Flex™ Hose Quick lightweight alloy couplers on both ends and our exclusive Ultra-Flex™ whip hose at the spray gun end.
  • Handi-Hold™ Spray Gun Docking Station Store, hold or transport your spray gun, or other accessories, safely.
  • 7700 Atomizer® Spray Gun Choices - Apollo offers 7 spray guns that are compatible with the POWER-5 VS™. Choose the gravity or bottom-feed cup option that best fits your needs.


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