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Barens 7126 Hurricane Soft Wash Spray Hose

Barens 7126 Hurricane Soft Wash Spray Hose

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This Hurricane Hose is a great addition to your 12v, gas, and air pumps! Made of a rubber blend designed to not only be chemical resistant but flexible and withstands pressures of up to 300 PSI! This hose comes in 2 colors and styles. 5/8" I.D. hose which is blue in color and 1/2" I.D. hose which is yellow. This allows you to see at a glance what size hose you have.


  • Flexible and durable
  • 300psi rated
  • Comes with open ends to fit a hose clamp
  • Available in 1/2" yellow and 5/8" blue only
  • Works great as garden hose for supply line as well!


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