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DeWALT DXCM024-0434 Enclosed Hose Reel, 3/8" x 50" Hybrid Hose

DeWALT DXCM024-0434 Enclosed Hose Reel, 3/8" x 50" Hybrid Hose

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The DEWALT 3/8” x 50’ enclosed hose reel is suitable for industrial, contractor, or household use. The automatic spring-powered drive feature makes hose retraction quick, automatic, and easy. The ‘stop-anywhere’ locking mechanism allows for the hose to be pulled to any length. With the self-leveling system, the hose can be wound up easily. The reel can mount on a wall or ceiling and allows 180 degree free rotation for versatility. The hybrid hose has No memory and helps eliminate kinks. This hose also comes equipped with solid brass ¼ inch NPT male end fittings which never corrode and bend restrictors that provide ease of use and hose protection. The DEWALT 3/8” x 50’ enclosed arm hose reel is the perfect accessory for any air tool and any air compressor that operates at 300 PSI or less.

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