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DeVilbiss 905161 FLG Pressure Spray Gun ( 693, 1.4 & 1.8)

DeVilbiss 905161 FLG Pressure Spray Gun ( 693, 1.4 & 1.8)

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DeVilbiss FLGs provide a low-cost, general-purpose spray gun solution for a wide range of refinish paints and coatings—including most routine spray jobs in the refinish workshop as well as handling DIY enthusiasts' projects. DeVilbiss offers these versatile guns in gravity and suction-feed setups for batch applications, or as a pressure-feed option for larger project areas requiring fast coverage without the added downtime of re-filling small cups. Enjoy full control of pattern shape, fluid flow rate, and air inlet pressure for consistent application with DeVilbiss FLG spray guns!

Product features include:

* Ergonomic gun handle shape for balance, grip, and comfort
* Smooth action trigger with exceptionally light pull for reduced fatigue during long operation
* Efficient atomization technology for reduced material usage

Feed Type: Pressure
Paint Gun CFM: 12.0
Paint Gun Inlet Pressure (psi): 26 psi
Paint Gun Material: Aluminum
Paint Gun Finish: Clear anodized


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