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Fuji Spray GXPC Gravity Spray Gun - Blue 1.4mm

Fuji Spray GXPC Gravity Spray Gun - Blue 1.4mm

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The Fuji XPC™ Spray gun features and exclusive side Pattern Control Knob to adjust the Fan Size. This is a very desirable feature. Most HVLP Turbine Spray guns still change fan size by moving the Collar (at the front of the barrel) in and out. The problem with this method is that the whole range of sizes is not available. The Fuji XPC is non-bleed, so air only passes through the spray gun when the trigger is pulled. Most turbine HVLP spray guns are bleeder type.

The benefits of non-bleed include...

  • Less blowing around of shop dust and negligible turbulence in the spray area.
  • Less paint buildup on the tip of the Fluid Nozzle (because the Fluid Nozzle does not get a chance to heat up).
  • Spray gun noise (hiss of air) appears to be lessened, because now the hiss of air is intermittent.


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