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Fuji Spray Touch Up Turbine Spray Gun 1.0mm

Fuji Spray Touch Up Turbine Spray Gun 1.0mm

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9622 Touch-Up Turbine Bleeder Spray Gun

Our Touch-Up turbine spray gun can be used with any HVLP Turbine. Just attach with the quick connect coupler on your hose and begin spraying! It’s assembled with an 8oz mini cup, and its spray pattern can be adjusted from round ¼” to 6” spray pattern. The Touch-Up turbine spray gun is installed with a 1.0 mm stainless steel needle, nozzle, and aluminum air cap, and an additional size 1.8 mm air cap set is available as an accessory. This item is really handy for projects that require smaller touch-up work. It’s ideal for hard to reach places, especially when your standard gun is too large. It’s that easy – a simple, affordable option that’s a paint saver! A perfect addition to your Fuji Spray® HVLP System. Please Note: This will fit most other turbine systems, but will not work with an air compressor.


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