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Honeywell- Miller Revolution Harness with DualTech Webbing - 1/EA (1587642368035)

Honeywell- Miller Revolution Harness with DualTech Webbing - 1/EA

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  • Web Finials provides a clip-on design that safely organize webbing after proper adjustment
  • PivotLink Connection is a unique rotary design provides greater comfort in bending/mobility
  • Ergo Armor Back Shield delivers semi-flexible back shield that minimizes impact from sharp/heavy snap hooks and self-retracting lifelines
  • Dualtech webbing makes donning easy with two-sided, contrasting color webbing and textures
  • Cam buckle is an easy, one-hand adjustment/release that allows simultaneous adjustment of shoulder straps

The Miller revolution harness with dualtech webbing delivers a totally-new concept in full-body harness design. This black harness reinvents harness safety and functionality with features developed to meet key, user-identified needs. While exceeding worker expectations in comfort, fit, ease-of-use, style, durability, compliance, flexibility and convenience, the Miller revolution harness provides over several key product features from seven new, unique components.


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