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Kimberly Clark Kleenguard A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel Coveralls - Zipper Front, Open Wrists & Ankles - Medium - 25 Each Case
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Kimberly Clark Kleenguard A40 Liquid & Particle Protection Apparel Coveralls - Zipper Front, Open Wrists & Ankles - Medium - 25 Each Case

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  • Kleenguard A40 Liquid and Particle Protection Coveralls are made of microporous film laminate with a zipper front and open wrists and ankles
  • These coveralls offer better liquid and particulate barrier than TYVEK
  • Made to keep out debris, dry particulates and liquid splashes
  • A40 Kleenguard protective suits pass NFPA 99 criteria for antistatic materials
  • Exceptional quality at a budget-friendly price
  • Perfect solution for your cleaning needs
  • Will fit your needs and make your life easier

Popular industries using this product include aviation, pharmaceutical manufacturing, liquid handling, general manufacturing and so much more. Making the right Personal Protection choice is difficult. Perform with distinction with KleenGuard Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

For over 145 years, Kimberly Clark® has been committed to creating healthier, safer and more productive workplaces across the globe. The company engineers and manufactures personal protective equipment and other innovative products that eliminate germs in the workplace and allow for creating the perfect working environment for everybody. Its premium products are designed to meet a variety of needs, from the lab to the production line. Every day, nearly a quarter of the world’s population in more than 175 countries trust Kimberly Clark products and the solutions they provide to enhance their health, hygiene and well-being.


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120 lb. - 170 lb.200-50025/PK5'4" - 5'8"Agricultureall other productsbf2023canadacatchallshipcoverallCoverall with Open Wrists and AnklesDisposableFiberglass ManufacturingHarzardous Particleskimberly-clarkLead Dust AbatementLiquid BarrierLiquid HandlingLiquid Particulate ProtectionLiquid Under PressureMaintenance/General Manufacturing Mold RemediationMednomapNon-Respirator Fit HoodNon-Visibilitynot canadaParticulate BarrierPressure WashingprisyncROAS 3SergedSewage Workspo-defaultspo-disabledTank CleaningUtilitiesWhiteZipper