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Paasche AirBrush 30" x 16" Hobby-Shop Spray Booth
Paasche AirBrush 30" x 16" Hobby-Shop Spray Booth
Paasche AirBrush 30" x 16" Hobby-Shop Spray Booth
Paasche AirBrush 30" x 16" Hobby-Shop Spray Booth

Paasche AirBrush 30" x 16" Hobby-Shop Spray Booth

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Hobby Spray Booth 30-Inch Wide by 16-Inch High. Hobby-Shop Spray Booth Rugged, compact in size and easy to assemble. This portable booth features galvanized metal panels for easy cleaning and durability. Working dimensions are 30 Inch wide by 16 Inch high, perfect for all you hobby and craft spraying. The paint filter captures your paint particulate and the fumes can be exhausted to the outside with 4" dryer hose. The filters are easily replaced. If necessary, wear goggles and/or protective paint and vapor mask. Note: Not intended for use with Hazardous Materials, Flammable or Explosive Paints or Materials

  • All metal construction
  • Two fans (470 Total CFM)
  • Includes duct adapters (use 4" dryer duct for exhausting)
  • Paint Filter for each Fan
  • Made in the USA
  • Note: Not intended for use with Hazardous Materials, Flammable or Explosive Paints or Materials



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