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PaintLine PDRTT 20 Shelf ProDryingRack Tabletop
PaintLine PDRTT 20 Shelf ProDryingRack Tabletop
PaintLine PDRTT 20 Shelf ProDryingRack Tabletop
PaintLine PDRTT 20 Shelf ProDryingRack Tabletop
PaintLine PDRTT 20 Shelf ProDryingRack Tabletop

PaintLine PDRTT 20 Shelf ProDryingRack Tabletop

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Think of it as the little brother to our 50-shelf cabinet door drying rack. The PDRTT holds 20 cabinet doors up to 25 lbs each. Position on the counter, on a table or on the floor to make the most of your work space. String them together and hold long parts such as crown molding or baseboard. Stores flat and features near “brains optional” assembly with just 4 wing nuts. Perfect for DIYers and professionals alike.

  • Conveniently hold up to 20 cabinet doors.
  • Easy to assemble and break down for storage or transport.
  • Keep workshop clutter-free.

Our latest product update now features an orange vertical base!


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