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RANSBURG 76652-03 Paint Resistivity Meter

RANSBURG 76652-03 Paint Resistivity Meter

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The Ransburg Multi-Function Meter may be used to measure approximate resistance in kΩ, MΩ or GΩ. Applications for the meterrange from measuring the resistance of a70430-00 resistor to measuring the resistance of a target to ground.

Short Circuit Current-SCI(Power Supplies)(Power Supplies)The Ransburg Multi-Function Meter may be used to measure the short circuit current of an electrostatic product. The short circuit current measurement is important in troubleshooting problems with electrostatic power supplies and applicators. These tests should be performed when a noticeable decrease in transfer efficiency occurs. The measured short circuit current value should be compared to the value listed in the appropriate power supply or applicator manual. This comparison indicates if there are problems with the power source or the applicator.


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