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Newstripe RollMaster 1000 Line Painting Machine
Newstripe RollMaster 1000 Line Painting Machine
Newstripe RollMaster 1000 Line Painting Machine
Newstripe RollMaster 1000 Line Painting Machine
Newstripe RollMaster 1000 Line Painting Machine
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Newstripe RollMaster 1000 Line Painting Machine

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The RollMaster™ 1000 Line Painting Machine is perfect for marking large parking lots, factory floors or warehouse aisles. Quickly stripe up to 400 feet with a 1-gallon can of paint.

Safe and Easy to Use
The RollMaster 1000 is so simple and easy to handle you can do a great striping job your first time out:

  1. Roller driven peristaltic pump sends paint directly from the standard 1 gallon can to the roller.
  2. No engine, compressor or high pressure hoses means there is no oil to change, no toxic fumes, and no flammable gasoline.
  3. Foldable handle for easy transport and storage.


Easy to Use – So simple you can do a great striping job your first time out. Foolproof tubing squeeze pump delivers paint from standard paint can directly to the foam roller. It is light weight and easy to handle.

Consistent lines— Maintain straight, consistent perfect lines every time with a simple hand trigger that provides user control with a simple hand trigger.

Fold-able Handle – The folding handle makes it easy to transport the machine between fields in car trunk or SUV. Lightweight and very easy to transport in most vehicles.

Pump never touches paint – The Rollmaster’s Peristaltic roller pump never touches paint meaning no clogs and produces no fumes means you can use this versatile machine anywhere including food warehouses.

Lower paint cost – Save hundreds of dollars by eliminating the need for costly, clog prone and toxic aerosol cans. The Rollmaster 1000 uses a standard 1 gallon can of paint. Use water or oil base paints, even the environmentally safe latex and low VOC paints. Little or no thinning required. Not recommended for use with lacquer, fast dry or most epoxy paints.

Easy Clean Up – Clean up is quick and easy. Simply rinse the roller mandrel and paint delivery tubes. The inexpensive roller cover can be cleaned or disposed of after each use. No tank, pump, or spray gun to clean.

Quiet and Efficient– No engine noise, compressor sounds, harmful fumes, or over spray to deal with. Stripe inside or out anytime day or night in near silence. Plus, with no over spray you can stripe within inches of cars, walls or other obstacles.



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