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RTI-QAT Quality Air Test Kit

RTI-QAT Quality Air Test Kit

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RTI-QAT Test Kit, Air Quality

The Quality Air Test Kit (QAT) from RTi is an ideal sale tool for evaluating shop air. It saves thousands of dollars for shop owners by identifying the three major causes of refinish problems found in their compressed air:
• Inadequate compressed air supply
• Compressed air humidity (CAH)
• Particulate, water, and oil contamination

Test the following:
•Static air pressure at the gun
•Dynamic air pressure at the gun
•Compressed air humidity level (CAH)
•Contaminate check: dirt, water, and oil

•Contaminate Checker: sampler vessel with contaminant capturing membrane disc
•Precision air regulator with pressure gauge to control air to vessel
• Magnifying lens with integral light source
•Digital Hygrometer: 0-100% RH range
•Operators manual with shop compressed air audit form


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