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Traction Plus® High Traction Floor Cleaner and Degreaser
Traction Plus® High Traction Floor Cleaner and Degreaser
Traction Plus® High Traction Floor Cleaner and Degreaser
Traction Plus® High Traction Floor Cleaner and Degreaser

Traction Plus® High Traction Floor Cleaner and Degreaser

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Floor absolutely soaked with grease? This pre-treatment cleaner is perfect for degreasing even saturated porous floors to enhance their traction.

  • Traction Plus pre-treatment cleaner improves traction by degreasing slippery floors
  • Works incredibly well on heavily grease-soaked or even fully saturated and porous floors; one of the most effective on the market
  • Makes cleaning grease spills on floors easy
  • National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI)-certified
  • Penetrates pores and tile surface to release slippery film for a fuller, deeper clean
  • Ideal for safely treating commercial-grade porcelain tile, ceramic tile and quarry tile as well as terrazzo, concrete and other low-gloss floors
  • Tile degreaser leverages natural surfactant that won't harm your floor; less harsh than most heavy-duty degreasers
  • Great for food-industry floors with heavy grease
  • Also works for pre-treating floors before applying adhesive-backed mats
  • Additionally, this degreaser for tile floors actually strengthens tile surface and grout joints
  • Required dilution gives you more applications; 64:1 for light grease, 32:1 for medium grease and 16:1 for heavy grease
  • Do not use on marble; may dull high-gloss floors
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Brand Traction Plus
Volume 1 gal. Container
VOC Content VOC-Free
Sold as 4 per box
Weight 36.6 lbs.
# per Pallet 36
Color Pink
Composition Proprietary Ingredients
UNSPSC 47131821
Pigalog® Page Number Page 267


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