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Trimaco Adjustable Protective Flooring Film Applicator
Trimaco Adjustable Protective Flooring Film Applicator

Trimaco Adjustable Protective Flooring Film Applicator

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Trimaco’s adjustable protective surface and carpet film applicator is designed for 24″, 30″ and 36″ carpet and hard surface films, 200’ length and up. The applicator unrolls reverse wound film quickly and easily. The durable steel construction will hold up to the toughest of jobs. No need for two people to roll out highly tacky film—you won’t regret investing in this product!

To use, choose the size and type of film needed for your job. Next, assemble the applicator with the corresponding size roll holder. We recommend to spot test areas to avoid damage to your surface. Position the roll of film, and secure the applicator once in place. Finally, push the applicator forward to rotate film roll, and film will stick to your hard surface or carpet.
  • Fits 24″, 30″, 36″ wide rolls 200′ length and up
  • Easy application of reverse wound film
  • Durable

Learn more about our hard surface and carpet protective films, as well as our wide range of flooring paper and heavy duty surface protectors.

NOTE: Send us a message to get a free sample of this product!


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