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Trimaco Easy Mask® Hard Surface Protective Film
Trimaco Easy Mask® Hard Surface Protective Film

Trimaco Easy Mask® Hard Surface Protective Film

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Our Easy Mask® Hard Surface Protective Film is reverse wound for easy application. The non-skid film protects against spills, dirt and foot traffic. Once applied, the film provides a tight bond with hard surfaces, yet it’s easy to remove and leaves no residue. This blue, tough, durable film resists tearing, abrasion and puncturing. Great for protecting hard floors, counter tops, appliances, bathtubs, showers, tile, marble and more. Up to 30 days of use. Our Film Applicator makes this product easy to apply on the job.

Do not apply to wet or damp surfaces or unfinished wood, natural marble or stone. Not recommended for on-site finished hardwood floors. On newly installed flooring, allow any curing process to completely finish before usage of this product. When film may be exposed to temperatures over 95°, outdoor exposure or extremely heavy traffic, film should be inspected on a weekly basis and replaced as needed.
  • Up to 30 days of use
  • Paint, construction, residential, real estate, marine, industrial and more
  • Highly tear resistant

Be sure to check out Trimaco’s full line of protective films. Need additional protection? Learn more about our protective films, or additional protective floor covering products such as flooring paper and heavy duty surface protectors.

NOTE: Send us a message to get a free sample of this product!


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