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Trimaco Supertuff® Professional Tack Cloth 18″ x 36″ – 6ct (24/Pack)
Trimaco Supertuff® Professional Tack Cloth 18″ x 36″ – 6ct (24/Pack)
Trimaco Supertuff® Professional Tack Cloth 18″ x 36″ – 6ct (24/Pack)
Trimaco Supertuff® Professional Tack Cloth 18″ x 36″ – 6ct (24/Pack)
Trimaco Supertuff® Professional Tack Cloth 18″ x 36″ – 6ct (24/Pack)

Trimaco Supertuff® Professional Tack Cloth 18″ x 36″ – 6ct (24/Pack)

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Ensure a smooth and blemish-free finish every time with Trimaco’s SuperTuff® Tack Cloth. While working on virtually any surface, our cloth is excellent for cleaning and removing dust between coats of paint or stain and is reusable. Also a favorite in the automotive industry.

To use, simply open cloth fully, bunch together and wipe surface gently before each coat of finish. This sticky tack rag will pick up any loose debris or dust particles.

Make sure you check out our top-quality cheesecloth fabric.


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