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TriTech 501-155 T380 2-Finger Spray Gun. w/ T93R Tip & Guard – 7/8″
TriTech 501-155 T380 2-Finger Spray Gun. w/ T93R Tip & Guard – 7/8″

TriTech 501-155 T380 2-Finger Spray Gun. w/ T93R Tip & Guard – 7/8″

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The T380 has been designed to work under higher pressure than other competitive guns for a broader range of applications. The aircraft quality aluminum alloy handle, stainless steel and tungsten carbide valve assembly and hose swivel are all precision machined for reliable performance. Reliability you can depend on!
  • Available with T93R Contractor Series Tip & Guard
  • No Adjustments – Calibrated Spring & Valve Stem
  • The valve stem assembly never needs adjustments – even when you rebuild it.

The trigger spring is calibrated to provide the least resistance while assuring a positive shut-off at maximum pressure.

Available with 2-finger or 4-finger triggers.

Superior Hose Swivel is Standard

4000 PSI (262 BAR) High Quality – Refined Design

The T360 is a high-quality spray gun with many beneficial features that will prove itself to you with every trigger pull. From the lightweight and balanced handle to the comfortable trigger pull and superior valve-stem design – this spray gun is professional quality through and through.

Positive Shut-Off
Shut-off valve spring is located outside the fluid passages for reduced friction and longer service life.

Large Fluid Passages
Large-sized fluid passages and a stream-lined valve stem offer less restriction and improved flow.

Easy Filter Access
The filter is easily accessed from the handle for cleaning or replacement. Uses standard filters available in three different mesh sizes for all applications.


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