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WIWA 9000014 120V 1-Phase 16A 3500 Watts 30 gal. Band Heater

WIWA 9000014 120V 1-Phase 16A 3500 Watts 30 gal. Band Heater

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Band Heater

  • These are cylindrical shaped heaters used for heating cylinders or nozzles of various injection molding machines.
  • These attach perfectly to cylinders and nozzles, so the heating is very efficient.
  • It is a plate heater where the heating element is covered and protected.
  • These have excellent thermal efficiency because heat is transferred to the heating object from the heating element using direct conduction.

While drum band heaters are sized to fit a specific drum diameter, drum belt heaters can be adjusted to fit different drum sizes. Depending on the desired temperature, one or more heaters are required. We can supply other models on request.



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