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Allegro Air Driven Air Pump, 0 to 15 psi, Hansen

Allegro Air Driven Air Pump, 0 to 15 psi, Hansen

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Item Ambient Air Pump
For Use With Constant Flow Respirators
CFM 0 to 20
Couplers 3/8 in Hansen
Max. Number of Respirators 4
Includes Inlet and HEPA Inline Filters, Adjustable Pressure Relief Valve, Pressure Gauge, Slip Resistant Rubber Feet, Electric Cord
Max. Number of Hoods 3
Features (4) Carbon Vanes Providing 5000 to 15000 hr of Continuous Use
Standards NIOSH
Pressure 0 to 15 psi


Ambient Air Pump, Includes Inlet and HEPA Inline Filters, Adjustable Pressure Relief Valve, Pressure Gauge, Slip Resistant Rubber Feet, Electric Cord


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