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American Air Filter (AAF) Cartridge Filters - 366125109 (1587219955747)

American Air Filter (AAF) Cartridge Filters - 366125109

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Part Number: 366-125-109
Dimensions: 9.47 x 13.84 x 26
Outside Diameter: 13.84"
Length: 26.00"
Inside Diameter: 9.47"
Top: Open
Bottom: Open
Shape: Round
Approx. Square Footage of Filter Media: 222.97
Notes: The media for this AAF dust collector filter is 80/20 cellulose/polyester. (Select the 80/20 media option from the dropdown box above.) 80/20 is best to filter weld smoke, grinding dust, and used in many other general manufacturing applications. Give us a call at (866) 393-0297 and we can help determine the proper filter media for your application.


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