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Kodiak M2 – 35’ hose, pole gun, 2 AST tips

Kodiak M2 – 35’ hose, pole gun, 2 AST tips

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American Spray Technologies Kodiak M2-35 Fireproofing Spray System, 1L3 Rotor & Stator, 1 HP, 110V, 15 Amp, 16 Gallon Hopper. Includes 35' of Material Hose, Polegun, & Spray Tips

The Kodiak Drywall Texture Sprayer has been the only real choice for serious professionals who need a compact, easy to maneuver, texture spray machine for the last 20 years. This texture sprayer is designed to give you years of reliable performance for a variety of applications and materials.

This powerful spray unit can easily handle most orange peel or knockdown materials that are designed for spray applications. Some chinking, fireproofing and elastomeric materials can also be applied using this portable unit. The Kodiak M2 raises the bar even higher with increased hopper capacity, durability, and easy clean-up features that contractors require for getting those texture spray jobs done.

  • The new electronic control box is a water-tight, cast aluminum enclosure
  • Larger hopper (16 Gallons) the perfect choice for bigger texture jobs
  • Unique pump housing design makes disassembly a breeze
  • Collapsible handle for easy transport & storage
  • Variable speed control gives the M2 power to pump a variety of materials
  • The 16-gallon hopper removes for easy, no hassle clean-up

Pump type

Drywall, Portable Texture and Fireproofing Sprayer

Hopper capacity

16 gal

1.0 hp Gear Motor

110VAC 15 Amp

1.5 hp Gear Motor

220VAC 10 Amp

Machine weight

138 lb (excluding hose and gun)

35’ hose and gun weight

30 lb

Shipping Weight

196 lb


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