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IWATA LPH80-122G Compact HVLP Gravity Spray Gun - 1.2 MM

IWATA LPH80-122G Compact HVLP Gravity Spray Gun - 1.2 MM

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4920 LPH-80 LPH80-122G SPRAY GUN 1.2MM

  • Spray pattern ranges from 1.6 inch round pattern to a full 5.5 inch fan pattern, making the LPH-80 perfect for coating small pieces, spot repair, blending, shading, and touch-ups
  • Lightweight and compact, the LPH-80 is great for small surfaces and tight spaces that can be difficult with full size guns
  • Using only 1.8 cfm at 13 psi, this low-air-consumption gun provides high atomization with precise control of the spray pattern with very little overspray
  • Optional E4 air cap creates a wide, flat pattern with fine atomization
  • Can be used with the 3M PPS System, 150 ml aluminum gravity feed cup or with a PC-18D pressure pot (using special fittings)


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