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Baileigh Industrial - 100 Ton Air/Hand Operated H-Frame Press, 11-3/4" Stoke, CE Approved

Baileigh Industrial - 100 Ton Air/Hand Operated H-Frame Press, 11-3/4" Stoke, CE Approved

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    Baileigh Industrial 1004759 Description

    This pneumatic shop press (air-powered) delivers 100 tons of force and offers the best value in its price range. With a heavy steel structure, the HSP-100A will last for years in any shop. The HSP-100A has a fully welded frame made from plate steel helps add rigidity for less flex and more accurate pressing. This shop press uses industrial grade hydraulic component s to deliver the power to the project. What this means for you is years of trouble free use.

    Baileigh Industrial 1004759 Includes

    • (1) Shop Press

    Baileigh Industrial 1004759 Features

    • 31” working width.
    • 11.8" stroke length controlled using foot pedal.
    • 6.5” hydraulic cylinder moves left and right, helpful when you’re making off-center parts.
    • Hand-operated lever gives you the option for more delicate manual control over the machine.
    • Industrial-grade hydraulic components cleanly deliver force to the project, providing years of trouble free use.
    • Includes a set of V-blocks.
    • Fully-welded plate steel frame maintains rigidity for less flex and more accurate pressing.
    • Baileigh covers this 100 ton hydraulic press with a 1-year warranty .

    Baileigh Industrial 1004759 Specifications

    Piston Head Diameter 3.5"
    Movable Cylinder Yes
    Working Width 31"
    Maximum Capacity 100 Tons
    Cylinder Stroke 11.8"
    Cylinder Diameter 6.5"
    Distance From Table To Ram Min. 4.45" - Max. 32.01"
    Power Pneumatic / Manual
    Dimensions (L x W x H) 81" x 45" x 21"
    Shipping Dimensions 81" x 45" x 21"


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