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Baileigh Industrial - 220V 3Phase Hydraulic Plate Roll. 5' Length 10 Gauge Mild Steel Capacity

Baileigh Industrial - 220V 3Phase Hydraulic Plate Roll. 5' Length 10 Gauge Mild Steel Capacity

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  • A long time staple of Baileigh Industrial’s sheet metal roll forming equipment line, the PR-510 has a bending capacity of 10 gauge mild steel at its full width of 5'.
  • The PR-510 sheet metal forming plate roller has 4-3/4" OD rolls that are hardened and then polished to ensure no marring to the material being rolled.
  • This plate roll is built to last and has a very rigid frame made from fully welded plate steel.
  • This design eliminates any deflection of the rolls even at maximum thickness capacity.
  • The PR-510 single pinch roll former, is powered by a 2 hp 220 volt three phase motor, which turns all three rolls.
  • Having three driven rolls increase efficiency of the machine.
  • The back roll is also hydraulically controlled for up and down as well as left and right tilt for coning purposes.
  • An optional coning attachment is also available.
  • For repeatable bends the back roll position is displayed on a digital read out.
  • Baileigh Industrial’s PR-510 roll former is a great value and would be at home in any shop.


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