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Baileigh Industrial - 220V 3Phase Rotary Draw Bender w/ 170 Job Touch Screen Programmer, 2.5" Schedule 40 Pipe Capacity

Baileigh Industrial - 220V 3Phase Rotary Draw Bender w/ 170 Job Touch Screen Programmer, 2.5" Schedule 40 Pipe Capacity

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This tubing bender for sale will stand up to the rigors of any shop—and save you time. The RDB-350-TS industrial tubing bender bends 180° in 16 seconds. And its quick-release die system speeds up production.

  • Proudly engineered and made in the USA.
  • Capacity of 2.5” schedule 40 pipe and 3” tube with .187” wall thickness.
  • 24” centerline radius maximum.
  • Bends to 360° in one shot, both left and right.
  • You can program the desired angle, material springback, and bend speed for easy repeatability.
  • Programmer can also keep track of rotational orientation.
  • Touchscreen controller designed for user-friendly programming.
  • 320° rotation of the controllerlets you operate RDB-350-TS from any side of the machine.
  • Internal memory can store up to 170 programs of 10 bends per program.
  • Unlimited program storage/backup via the micro SD port (standard 2CB SD card).
  • Quick-release counter die system allows allows you to load and unload the pipe bender quickly for high production runs.
  • Like all Baileigh tubing benders, the RDB-350-TS is compatible with our standard drop-on tooling. We can also make custom tooling for your application.
  • Accepts a rotary positioning table, available from in several lengths, to achieve accurate bends on varying planes.
  • We cover this pipe bender with a 1-year parts warranty.
  • Includes lifetime technical support by phone, so you can call up a Baileigh representative anytime for project advice and troubleshooting.


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