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Baileigh Industrial - 5' 1/4" Hydraulic Plate Roll

Baileigh Industrial - 5' 1/4" Hydraulic Plate Roll

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  • The PR-503 plate bending roll is a true workhorse and a staple of the Baileigh Industrial line of plate rolls The PR-503 has a maximum 61” forming width, and can roll up to 3 gauge (1/4”) mild steel sheet metal at that the full width.
  • The PR-503 sheet metal roller is completely hydraulically driven for increased durability and reliability.
  • All 3 rolls are driven on the PR-503 plate bending machine such that the operator can roll more material faster and increase the productivity of the shop.
  • For even more productivity, a digital readout is also standard on the PR-503 plate roll.
  • This readout tracks the position of the back roll for increased accuracy and less waste.
  • Increased safety was also a thought when designing the PR-503.
  • Like all Baileigh Industrial plate rolls, includes dual emergency stop cables that are located on both the front and back of the machine.
  • The top roll on the PR-503 has a very simple release mechanism to release work that has been wrapped around the top roll.
  • The PR-503 plate roll also has an optional coning attachment for creating conical bends without marring the frame of the roller.
  • Baileigh Industrial's PR-503 plate bending roll uses a simple and rugged design, offering the medium to small fabricator years of quality service.


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